Founded in 2003, Dr. Radut Consulting is the first company in healthcare which uses Lean Six Sigma techniques to improve performance standards and operational excellence.

Between 2008-2012, Dr. Parmena Radut, CEO at Dr.Radut Consulting, has actively participated in developing the network of medical providers for Eureko Insurance, as Medical Services Network Manager. At that time, Eureko was the insurance company with the largest market share in the private medical insurance sector.

From 2009, as external representative, Dr. Radut Consulting took over the development and Eureko's network administration. Moreover, we have provided consultancy for product development for Romanian private health insurance market in partnership with companies such as BRD Life.

The legislation provides a viable alternative to patients, and this is the private health insurance. Under the brand name Call AID™, we define and implement medical services covered by private health insurance, identify and subcontract the best medical services grouped into networks of healthcare providers, national and international, acting as a TPA (Third Party Administrator) and an external representative for insurance companies.

The contracts with medical providers from network takes place through direct settlement, based on administrative and medical protocols agreed by all partners.