Our expert medical consulting services methodology and used techniques include:
- Workshops and facilitated sessions;
- On-site observations and interviews;
- Equipment utilization and optimization assessments;
- Incorporation of organizational realities of people, timing, and culture.
The medical consulting services methodology focuses on providing specific advice and developing applicable recommendations. The tools and methods include:
- Root cause issue analysis;
- Data analysis and scenario modelling;
- Health care benchmarking;
- Hospital Capital Asset Utilization;
- Strategic Market Analysis.
We are correspondingly utilizing tools and frameworks targeted at key areas of program and change management:
Change Adoption Framework - A comprehensive set of best practices and templates to facilitate stakeholder engagement and change adoption throughout a project. Components of the framework include:
- Before Change - Setting expectations;
- During Change - Communicating with stakeholders;
- After Change - Measuring, monitoring and improving.
Program Management Framework - Flexible and responsive healthcare program designed to address challenges of large organizations. This includes structured templates combined with deep project management experience designed to facilitate successful execution.
Proven methods essential for impactful results
Business development involves the proper skill and methods to plan and implement effective change. Dr.Radut Consulting team is trained in the use of medical consulting methodology and tools, indispensable to achieve influencing results.
The extensiveness of our methods provides the groundwork for effective project design and implementation from start to finish.
Advanced Health Care Strategy and Analytical Methods
We employ advanced decision frameworks such as hypothesis-driven approach and root cause analysis. Methods:
- Interviews;
- Workflow observations;
- Customer expertise.
These medical consulting methods are applied to clarify issues, enhance objectivity and decision-making.
Proven Performance Improvement Frameworks
The aim, the complexity, and desired results request a tailored approach:
- Lean Service principles are applied where cost reduction and elimination of waste are needed;
- Lean Six Sigma is used to reduce variation and/or improve baseline performance standards;
- A comprehensive framework such as Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is ideal for projects involving multiple departments, organization change or training.
Usually, no single framework will be suitable for every project. Therefore, we are working with you for defining the project and for achieving the best approach for the required objectives.
Inclusive Health Care Change Management Activities
Regardless of the size of change, defining the reason for change in compelling terms sets the foundation for motivating and mobilizing stakeholders to help, through efforts such as Kaizen events. Change management activities seek to engage people before, during, and after a change initiative:
- Stakeholder analysis;
- Communications plans;
- Setting implementation expectations;
- Providing useful project updates.
Our Change Adoption Framework helps establish a common interest that all stakeholders can embrace by positioning the project as a solution that is in the stakeholder's best interest.
Industry Standard Project Management Methods
Dr.Radut Consulting is recommending relevant project management practices based on the distinctive circumstances of each project. At first, defining how the project will be managed helps to provide a cultural and management practice "fit" between the project and the facility.