
New WHO guidance calls for urgent transformation of mental health policies

3 zile 12 hours ago

The World Health Organization (WHO) today launched new guidance to help all countries reform and strengthen mental health policies and systems. Mental health services worldwide remain underfunded, with major gaps in access and quality. In some countries, up to 90% of people with severe mental health conditions receive no care at all, while many existing services rely on outdated institutional models that fail to meet international human rights standards.

The guidance provides a clear framework to transform mental health services in line with the latest evidence and international human rights standards, ensuring quality care is accessible to all.

"Despite rising demand, quality mental health services remain out of reach for many people," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. "This new guidance gives all governments the tools to promote and protect mental health and build systems that serve everyone.”

A blueprint for mental health care transformation

While effective prevention and treatment interventions exist, most people living with mental health conditions do not have access to these. The new WHO guidance sets out concrete actions to help countries close these gaps and ensure mental health is promoted and protected, with a focus on:

  • protecting and upholding human rights, ensuring mental health policies and services are aligned with international human rights standards;
  • promoting holistic care with an emphasis on lifestyle and physical health, psychological, social, and economic interventions;
  • addressing social and economic factors that shape and affect mental health including employment, housing and education;
  • implementing prevention strategies and promote population-wide mental health and well-being; and
  • ensuring people with lived experience are empowered to participate in policy planning and design to ensure mental health policies and services are responsive to their needs.

The guidance identifies five key policy areas requiring urgent reform: leadership and governance, service organization, workforce development, person-centred interventions, and addressing social and structural determinants of mental health.

A tailored approach to strengthening mental health systems

The WHO guidance serves as a critical tool for governments, policymakers, and stakeholders working to strengthen mental health systems and improve access to mental health care.

By offering a menu of policy directives, strategies and actions to guide reform efforts, the guidance supports policy makers to prioritize and tailor policies to their specific national context, in line with their available resources and operational structures.

"This new WHO guidance provides practical strategies for countries to build inclusive, responsive and resilient mental health systems. Designed to be flexible, it allows all countries – whether low- middle- or high-income - to adapt their approach to mental health care based on national context, needs, and priorities,” said Dr Michelle Funk, Unit Head, Policy, Law and Human Rights in the WHO Department for Mental Health and Substance Abuse.

Developing and implementing the guidance

The guidance was developed in consultation with global experts, policymakers and individuals with lived experience. The policy guidance also builds on the resources, guidance and tools developed under the WHO QualityRights initiative, aiming to promote a person-centred, recovery-oriented and rights-based approach to mental health. WHO will support countries in implementing the guidance through technical assistance and capacity-building initiatives.

Types of data requested to inform May 2025 COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition deliberations

3 zile 20 hours ago

The WHO Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Vaccine Composition (TAG-CO-VAC) continues to closely monitor the genetic and antigenic evolution of SARS-CoV-2 variants, immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination, and the performance of COVID-19 vaccines against circulating variants. Based on these evaluations, WHO advises vaccine manufacturers and regulatory authorities on the implications for future updates to COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition. The next decision-making meeting of the TAG-CO-VAC is scheduled for May 2025, after which a statement on COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition and an accompanying data annex will be published on the WHO website. These meetings are timed to balance the availability of the latest epidemiological, immunological, and virological data, with the kinetics of vaccine-induced protection and the lead time manufacturers need to update the antigen composition of authorized COVID-19 vaccines.

The purpose of this statement is to guide the scientific community and vaccine manufacturers as to which data should be generated ahead of the May 2025 TAG-CO-VAC deliberations. It is an update to the previous statement on the types of data requested in October 2024.1

To inform decisions on COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition,2-6 the TAG-CO-VAC reviews data (see Table) on the genetic evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and the antigenic characteristics of previously and currently circulating variants. This includes the analysis of animal antisera following primary infection or vaccination in one-way and two-way neutralization tests, as well as immunogenicity data that assess the breadth and durability of immune responses, including neutralizing antibody responses, using sera from sequentially immunized or infected animals and pre-and post-vaccination human sera. The TAG-CO-VAC also considers vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates of currently approved COVID-19 vaccines, particularly those that control for time since vaccination and that provide variant-specific estimates across different vaccine platforms for protection against any infection, symptomatic disease, and severe disease. Further examples of published data reviewed by TAG-CO-VAC and used to inform decisions on COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition can be found in the annexes accompanying each of the previous statements.2-6

In addition, the TAG-CO-VAC reviews available data from vaccine manufacturers, including animal and human studies demonstrating the breadth and durability of immune responses elicited by currently authorized vaccines, as well as any vaccine candidates in development. For vaccine candidates in development, the TAG-CO-VAC highlights the utility of clinical immunogenicity data for decision-making on COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition. The TAG-CO-VAC also notes that comparable immunogenicity data (i.e. to the same variants) from previous vaccine compositions are especially useful. Vaccine manufacturers are also asked to provide observational epidemiological data that demonstrate the efficacy or effectiveness of their authorized COVID-19 vaccines, as well as any vaccine candidates in development.

At this stage, the key antisera and antigens of interest for the May 2025 decision-making meeting for demonstrating breadth include antisera to: BA.2 (other historical reference viruses – e.g., index virus, Alpha, BA.1 – are also useful for determining antigenic relationships), XBB.1.5, JN.1, KP.2, XEC, LP.8.1, LF.7.2 and potentially emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. Antisera of interest are animal sera after single or sequential exposure and human sera after a boost with monovalent JN.1, KP.2 or XBB.1.5 vaccines. Both pre- and post-vaccination sera should be included and, for all antisera, neutralizing antibody titers should be analyzed against at least one variant that emerged after the vaccine antigen, where feasible. Analysis of these antisera against the same panel of virus antigens as well as other new emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants will provide insight into antigenic characteristics of previous and emerging variants. Emerging variants include the list of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Interest (VOI) and Variants Under Monitoring (VUM) maintained on the WHO website. Relative VE estimates should be calculated during periods of circulation of XBB, JN.1, KP.3.1.1, XEC or other emerging variant(s) in human populations across age groups, with separate VE estimates for each of the following vaccine antigen compositions: monovalent JN.1, monovalent KP.2 or monovalent XBB.1.5. Where available, the underlying rates of disease outcomes used to derive the relative VE estimates should also be provided.

In preparation for the May 2025 meeting, the TAG-CO-VAC encourages the scientific community and vaccine manufacturers to prioritize generating and sharing the data outlined in the Table below to ensure evidence-informed deliberations on COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition; please contact the TAG-CO-VAC Secretariat: [].

Type of data Comments SARS-CoV-2 genetic evolution Key variants include the list of Variants of Interest (VOI) and Variants Under Monitoring (VUM). This list is maintained on the WHO website.+ Antigenic characterization of previous and emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants Animal sera following primary infection or vaccination against each of the following variants: BA.2, XBB.1.5, JN.1, KP.2, XEC, LP.8.1, LF.7.2 and potentially emerging variants* analyzed in one-way and two-way neutralization tests (pseudotype and live virus neutralization assays). Preliminary immunogenicity data on breadth and durability of immune responses following vaccination or infection with SARS-CoV-2 variant antigens. Neutralization of various representative viruses by non-naïve animal sera (e.g., sequentially immunized or infected), for each of the following antigens: BA.2, XBB.1.5, JN.1, KP.2, XEC, LP.8.1, LF.7.2  and emerging variants;*
Neutralization of various representative viruses (BA.2, XBB.1.5, JN.1, KP.2, XEC, LP.8.1, LF.7.2 and potentially emerging variants*) by both pre- and post-vaccination human sera. Vaccinee sera should be analyzed in priority order: JN.1, KP.2, XBB.1.5;
Neutralization of variants (BA.2, XBB.1.5, JN.1, KP.2, XEC, LP.8.1, LF.7.2 and potentially emerging variants*) by sera from cohorts that are representative of recent population immunity. Vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates of currently approved vaccines Relative VE estimates during periods of circulation of XBB, JN.1, KP.3.1.1, XEC or emerging variant(s) * in human populations. Studies need to estimate relative VE by time since vaccination or at least provide a measure of time since vaccination, such as the mean or median. They should also provide variant-specific estimates and distinct estimates for each of the following vaccine antigen compositions across different vaccine platforms: monovalent JN.1, monovalent KP.2, or monovalent XBB.1.5. Studies should also provide relative VE for a range of outcomes beyond severe disease, including any infection or symptomatic disease. Severe disease should not be defined using generic hospital admission data, but rather with specific criteria such as oxygen use, ventilation, or admission to intensive care due to respiratory symptoms. Where available, underlying rates of disease outcomes used to estimate the relative VE should also be provided. Data from vaccine manufacturers Animal and human data that demonstrate the breadth and durability in immune responses elicited by vaccines in current portfolio, as well as any vaccine candidates in development, against BA.2, XBB.1.5, JN.1, KP.2, XEC, LP.8.1, LF.7.2  and potentially emerging variants;*
Observational epidemiological data that demonstrate the efficacy or effectiveness of any vaccines in current portfolio, as well as any vaccine candidates in development, against BA.2, XBB.1.5, JN.1, KP.2, XEC, LP.8.1, LF.7.2 and potentially emerging variants.*

+ WHO website:   

* Key emerging variants that evolve and considered relevant for demonstrating breadth include the list of Variants of Interest (VOI) and Variants Under Monitoring (VUM). This list is maintained on the WHO website:   



  1. World Health Organization. Types of data requested to inform December 2024 COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition deliberations. 7 October 2024. Available from:
  2. World Health Organization. Interim statement on the composition of current COVID-19 vaccines. 17 June 2022. Available from:
  3. World Health Organization. Statement on the antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccines. 18 May 2023. Available from:
  4. World Health Organization. Statement on the antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccines. 13 December 2023. Available from:
  5. World Health Organization. Statement on the antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccines. 26 April 2024. Available from:
  6. World Health Organization. Statement on the antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccines. 23 December 2024. Available from:

Decades of progress in reducing child deaths and stillbirths under threat, warns the United Nations

4 zile 13 hours ago

The number of children dying globally before their fifth birthday declined to 4.8 million in 2023, while stillbirths declined modestly, still remaining around 1.9 million, according to two new reports released today by the United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UN IGME).

Since 2000, child deaths have dropped by more than half and stillbirths by over a third, fuelled by sustained investments in child survival worldwide. In 2022, the world reached a historic milestone when child deaths dropped slightly below 5 million for the first time. However, progress has slowed and too many children are still being lost to preventable causes.

"Millions of children are alive today because of the global commitment to proven interventions, such as vaccines, nutrition, and access to safe water and basic sanitation,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Bringing preventable child deaths to a record low is a remarkable achievement. But without the right policy choices and adequate investment, we risk reversing these hard-earned gains, with millions more children dying from preventable causes. We cannot allow that to happen.”

Decades of progress in child survival are now at risk as major donors have announced or indicated significant funding cuts to aid ahead. Reduced global funding for life-saving child survival programmes is causing health-care worker shortages, clinic closures, vaccination programme disruptions, and a lack of essential supplies, such as malaria treatments. These cuts are severely impacting regions in humanitarian crises, debt-stricken countries, and areas with already high child mortality rates. Global funding cuts could also undermine monitoring and tracking efforts, making it harder to reach the most vulnerable children, the Inter-agency Group warned.

“From tackling malaria to preventing stillbirths and ensuring evidence-based care for the tiniest babies, we can make a difference for millions of families,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization. “In the face of global funding cuts, there is a need more than ever to step up collaboration to protect and improve children’s health.”

Even before the current funding crisis, the pace of progress on child survival had already slowed. Since 2015, the annual rate of reduction of under-five mortality has slowed by 42%, and stillbirth reduction has slowed by 53%, compared to 2000–2015.

Almost half of under-five deaths happen within the first month of life, mostly due to premature birth and complications during labour. Beyond the newborn period, infectious diseases, including acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhoea, are the leading causes of preventable child death. Meanwhile, 45% of late stillbirths occur during labour, often due to maternal infections, prolonged or obstructed labour, and lack of timely medical intervention.

Better access to quality maternal, newborn, and child health care at all levels of the health system will save many more lives, according to the reports. This includes promotive and preventive care in communities, timely visits to health facilities and health professionals at birth, high-quality antenatal and postnatal care, well-child preventive care such as routine vaccinations and comprehensive nutrition programmes, diagnosis and treatment for common childhood illnesses, and specialized care for small and sick newborns.

“Most preventable child deaths occur in low-income countries, where essential services, vaccines, and treatments are often inaccessible”, said Juan Pablo Uribe, World Bank Global Director for Health and Director of the Global Financing Facility. “Investing in children's health ensures their survival, education, and future contributions to the workforce. With strategic investments and strong political will, we can continue to reduce child mortality, unlocking economic growth and employment opportunities that benefit the entire world.”

The reports also show that where a child is born greatly influences their chances of survival. The risk of death before age five is 80 times higher in the highest-mortality country than the lowest-mortality country, for example, while a child born in sub-Saharan Africa is on average 18 times more likely to die before turning five than one born in Australia and New Zealand. Within countries, the poorest children, those living in rural areas, and those with less-educated mothers face the higher risks.

Stillbirth disparities are just as severe, with nearly 80% occurring in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, where women are six to eight times more likely to experience a stillbirth than women in Europe or North America. Meanwhile, women in low-income countries are eight times more likely to experience a stillbirth than those in high-income countries.

“Disparities in child mortality across and within nations remain one of the greatest challenges of our time,” said the UN DESA Under-Secretary-General, Li Junhua. “Reducing such differences is not just a moral imperative but also a fundamental step towards sustainable development and global equity. Every child deserves a fair chance at life, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that no child is left behind.”

UN IGME members call on governments, donors, and partners across the private and public sectors to protect the hard-won gains in saving children’s lives and accelerate efforts. Increased investments, service integration, and innovations are urgently needed to scale up access to proven life-saving health, nutrition, and social protection services for children and pregnant mothers.    

Notes to editors

Download multimedia content

The UN IGME child mortality report

The UN IGME stillbirth report

The two reports – Levels & Trends in Child Mortality and Counting Every Stillbirth – are the first of a series of important global data sets released in 2025. UN maternal mortality figures will be published in the coming weeks.


The United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation or UN IGME was formed in 2004 to share data on child mortality, improve methods for child mortality estimation, report on progress towards child survival goals and enhance the capacity of countries to produce timely and properly evaluated estimates of child mortality. UN IGME is led by UNICEF and includes the World Health Organization, the World Bank Group and the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

 For more information:


WHO calls for urgent action to address worldwide disruptions in tuberculosis services putting millions of lives at risk

1 săptămână 1 zi ago

On the occasion on World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, marked on 24 March, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for an urgent investment of resources to protect and maintain tuberculosis (TB) care and support services for people in need across regions and countries. TB remains the world’s deadliest infectious disease, responsible for over 1 million deaths annually bringing devastating impacts on families and communities.

Global efforts to combat TB have saved an estimated 79 million lives since 2000. However, the drastic and abrupt cuts in global health funding happening now are threatening to reverse these gains. Rising drug resistance especially across Europe and the ongoing conflicts across the Middle-East, Africa and Eastern Europe, are further exacerbating the situation for the most vulnerable.

 Under the theme Yes! We Can End TB: Commit, Invest, Deliver, World Tuberculosis Day 2025 campaign highlights a rallying cry for urgency, and accountability and hope. “The huge gains the world has made against TB over the past 20 years are now at risk as cuts to funding start to disrupt access to services for prevention, screening, and treatment for people with TB,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “But we cannot give up on the concrete commitments that world leaders made at the UN General Assembly just 18 months ago to accelerate work to end TB. WHO is committed to working with all donors, partners and affected countries to mitigate the impact of funding cuts and find innovative solutions.”

Funding: threat to global TB efforts

Early reports to WHO reveal that severe disruptions in the TB response are seen across several of the highest-burden countries following the funding cuts. Countries in the WHO African Region are experiencing the greatest impact, followed by countries in the WHO South-East Asian and Western Pacific Regions. Twenty seven countries are facing crippling breakdowns in their TB response, with devastating consequences, such as:

  • Human resource shortages undermining service delivery;
  • Diagnostic services severely disrupted, delaying detection and treatment;
  • Data and surveillance systems collapsing, compromising disease tracking and management;
  • Community engagement efforts, including active case finding, screening, and contact tracing, deteriorating, leading to delayed diagnoses and increased transmission risks.
  • Nine countries report failing TB drug procurement and supply chains, jeopardizing treatment continuity and patient outcomes.

    The 2025 funding cuts further exacerbate an already existing underfunding for global TB response. In 2023, only 26% of the US$ 22 billion annually needed for TB prevention and care was available, leaving a massive shortfall. TB research is in crisis, receiving just one-fifth of the US$ 5 billion annual target in 2022 – severely delaying advancements in diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines. WHO is leading efforts to accelerate TB vaccine development through the TB Vaccine Accelerator Council, but progress remains at risk without urgent financial commitments.

    Joint statement with civil society

    In response to the urgent challenges threatening TB services worldwide, WHO’s Director-General and Civil Society Task Force on Tuberculosis have issued a decisive statement. The joint statement released this week, demands immediate, coordinated efforts from governments, global health leaders, donors, and policymakers to prevent further disruptions. The statement outlines five critical priorities:

  • Addressing TB service disruptions urgently, ensuring responses match the crisis's scale;
  • Securing sustainable domestic funding, guaranteeing uninterrupted and equitable access to TB prevention and care;
  • Safeguarding essential TB services, including access to life-saving drugs, diagnostics, treatment and social protections, alongside cross-sector collaboration;
  • Establishing or revitalizing national collaboration platforms, fostering alliances among civil society, NGOs, donors, and professional societies to tackle challenges;
  • Enhancing monitoring and early warning systems to assess real-time impact and detect disruptions early.
  • “This urgent call is timely and underscores the necessity of swift, decisive action to sustain global TB progress and prevent setbacks that could cost lives,” said Dr Tereza Kasaeva, Director of WHO’s Global Programme on TB and Lung Health. “Investing in ending TB is not only a moral imperative but also an economic necessity – every dollar spent on prevention and treatment yields an estimated US$ 43 in economic returns.”

    New guidance on TB and lung health

    As one of the solutions to combating growing resource constraints, WHO is driving the integration of TB and lung health within primary healthcare as a sustainable solution. New technical guidance released by WHO outlines critical actions across the care continuum, focusing on prevention, early detection of TB and comorbidities, optimized management at first contact and improved patient follow-up. The guidance also promotes better use of existing health systems, addressing shared risk factors such as overcrowding, tobacco, undernutrition and environmental pollutants.

    By tackling TB determinants alongside communicable and non-communicable diseases, lung conditions, and disabilities through a unified strategy, WHO aims to reinforce the global response and drive lasting improvements in health outcomes.

    On World TB Day, WHO calls on everyone: individuals, communities, societies, donors and governments, to do their part to end TB. Without concerted action from all stakeholders, the TB response will be decimated, reversing decades of progress, putting millions of lives at risk and threatening health security.

    Editor's note

    On 24 March 2025, a correction was made to the second sentence in the first paragraph of this news release as noted below.

    The sentence in the original news release read:

    TB remains the world’s deadliest infectious disease, responsible for over 1 million people annually bringing devastating impacts on families and communities.

    This was changed to:

    TB remains the world’s deadliest infectious disease, responsible for over 1 million deaths annually bringing devastating impacts on families and communities.


    Three cities honoured for public health achievements at 2025 Partnership for Healthy Cities Summit

    1 săptămână 1 zi ago

    Today, during the annual Partnership for Healthy Cities Summit in Paris, three cities were recognized for their achievements in preventing noncommunicable diseases and injuries: Córdoba, Argentina; Fortaleza, Brazil; and Greater Manchester, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Summit, co-hosted by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the World Health Organization (WHO), Vital Strategies, and the City of Paris, convened mayors and officials from 61 cities in the Partnership for Healthy Cities network to address pressing public health issues and share effective strategies for saving lives and building healthier communities at the local level.

    “Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, and injuries are responsible for more than 80% of all deaths globally, but the good news is, they are preventable,” said Michael R. Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies, WHO Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases and Injuries, and 108th mayor of New York City. “Cities are leading the way in implementing policies that are protecting public health and saving lives. This year’s winning cities are proving that progress is possible with strong leadership and political will, and we look forward to seeing the results of their efforts.”

    The recipients of the 2025 Partnership for Healthy Cities Awards were chosen because they have made demonstrable progress in preventing noncommunicable diseases and injuries, setting an example that can be replicated in other jurisdictions.

    All three winning cities are part of the Partnership’s Policy Accelerator, which provides training and support for drafting policies and establishing the political strategies needed to develop and enact them. These cities are working with the Partnership to improve public health in the following ways:

    • Córdoba, Argentina, passed a new policy committing the city to promoting healthy school food environments by eliminating sugary and artificially sweetened beverages and ultra-processed products from all schools by 2026. The program has benefited 26 schools to date, reaching 15 000 of the city’s 138 000 primary school children.
    • Fortaleza, Brazil, established the city's first legal framework for air quality surveillance. The 2023 decree guarantees the local monitoring of air pollutants to estimate their impact on residents’ health, along with the installation of low-cost sensors to improve data collection. Reliable data will help inform city policies that can significantly reduce air pollution.
    • Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, expanded the number of outdoor smoke-free areas as part of efforts to reduce smoking, including opening its first smoke-free park, covering 6.5 acres of public space. Greater Manchester also conducted a series of community consultations and workshops with residents to help with decision-making; launched a smoke-free toolkit and communication guidance for National Health Service (NHS) hospitals and sites; and is scaling this initiative by developing a broader smoke-free spaces toolkit for other organizations and groups that want to create smoke-free spaces.

    “Cities are at the forefront of the fight against noncommunicable diseases and injuries. The progress made in Córdoba, Fortaleza, and Greater Manchester is not only improving health today but also setting a model for others to follow," said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. "WHO is committed to working with cities to build healthier, safer and more resilient communities for all.”

    “Local leadership has emerged as a powerful force for addressing the complex challenges presented by noncommunicable diseases and injuries,” said Dr Mary-Ann Etiebet, President and CEO, Vital Strategies. “We applaud the work of city leaders around the globe in their efforts to create healthier, safer environments for their populations. Their efforts are having a significant impact on people’s lives and well-being, while also demonstrating to national governments that there is significant support for these policy solutions.”

    Launched in 2017, the Partnership for Healthy Cities is a global network of 74 cities working to prevent noncommunicable diseases and injuries. Supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, in partnership with the World Health Organization and Vital Strategies, this initiative empowers cities worldwide to implement high-impact policy or programmatic interventions to reduce noncommunicable diseases and injuries in their communities. Through this network, city leaders are enacting transformative measures to improve the health of 300 million people across the globe.

    The mayors participating in the Partnership for Healthy Cities Summit include:

    • Mayor Carlos Fernando Galán, Bogotá, Colombia
    • Municipal Commissioner Palitha Nanayakkara, Colombo, Sri Lanka 
    • Intendant Daniel Passerini, Córdoba, Argentina
    • Honorable Administrator Mohammad Azaz, Dhaka, Bangladesh
    • Municipal President Verónica Delgadillo, Guadalajara, Mexico
    • Mayor Juhana Vartiainen, Helsinki, Finland
    • Mayor Erias Lukwago, Kampala, Uganda
    • Mayor Chilando Chitangala, Lusaka, Zambia
    • Intendant Mauricio Zunino, Montevideo, Uruguay
    • Mayor Anne Hidalgo, Paris, France
    • Mayor Pabel Muñoz López, Quito, Ecuador
    • Governor Claudio Benjamín Orrego Larraín, Santiago, Chile.

    About Bloomberg Philanthropies

    Bloomberg Philanthropies invests in 700 cities and 150 countries around the world to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people. The organization focuses on creating lasting change in five key areas: the arts, education, environment, government innovation, and public health. Bloomberg Philanthropies encompasses all of Michael R. Bloomberg’s giving, including his foundation, corporate, and personal philanthropy as well as Bloomberg Associates, a philanthropic consultancy that advises cities around the world. In 2024, Bloomberg Philanthropies distributed US$ 3.7 billion. For more information, please visit, sign up for ournewsletter, or follow us onInstagram,LinkedIn,YouTube,Threads,Facebook, and X.

    About the World Health Organization
    Dedicated to the well-being of all people and guided by science, the World Health Organization leads and champions global efforts to give everyone, everywhere an equal chance at a safe and healthy life. We are the UN agency for health that connects nations, partners and people on the front lines in 150+ locations – leading the world’s response to health emergencies, preventing disease, addressing the root causes of health issues and expanding access to medicines and health care. Our mission is to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. For more information, visit and follow WHO on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube.

    About Vital Strategies

    Vital Strategies believes every person should be protected by an equitable and effective public health system. We partner with governments, communities and organizations around the world to reimagine public health so that health is supported in all the places we live, work and play. The result is millions of people living longer, healthier lives. To find out more, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn.


    Media Contacts

    Veronica Lewin, Bloomberg Philanthropies,

    Erin Pallotta, Allison Worldwide,

    Jaimie Guerra, World Health Organization,

    Christina Honeysett, Vital Strategies,


    Nearly 50 million people sign up call for clean air action for better health

    1 săptămână 4 zile ago
    In an unprecedented show of unity, more than 47 million health professionals, patients, advocates, representatives from civil society organizations, and individuals worldwide have signed a resounding call for urgent action to reduce air pollution and to protect people’s health from its devastating impacts.

    UN Commission approves WHO recommendations to place psychoactive substances under international control

    2 săptămâni 1 zi ago

    Following recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has decided to place five new psychoactive substances and one medicine under international control.

    The recommendations were developed by WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence--ECDD, which consists of global experts analyzing health risks and benefits of psychoactive substances circulating on global markets and alerting to include them under international control if evidence found that their use can cause harm for population health in countries.

    “These substances have been brought to WHO’s attention for being clandestinely manufactured, posing serious risk to public health and society without any recognized therapeutic use,” said Dr Deus Mubangizi, WHO Director for Health Product Policy and Standards. “We are pleased that the Commission (on Narcotic Drugs) has accepted the full set of WHO recommendations and added these substances to relevant schedules in the 1961 or 1971 Conventions. We hope countries and communities will increase vigilance and take necessary actions to protect vulnerable groups particularly youth from these substances.”

    Four substances placed in Schedule I of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961), as amended by the 1972 Protocol are:

  • N-Pyrrolidino protonitazene, also referred to as protonitazepyne, is a synthetic opioid.  It has been described as a beige powder or a white colourless or crystalline solid, and has been identified in falsified pharmaceutical opioid tablets. It is reported to be administered by various routes, including smoking, snorting and by injection. It can cause substantial harm, including death. It has no known therapeutic use.
  • N-Pyrrolidino metonitazene, also referred to as metonitazepyne, is a synthetic opioid. It has been described as a beige powder and is reported to be administered by injection. There is evidence that its use causes substantial harm, including death. It has no known therapeutic use.
  • Etonitazepipne, also referred to as N-piperidinyl etonitazene, is a synthetic opioid.  It has been described as a crystalline solid and a yellowish-white or yellow powder. There is evidence that use of this substance causes substantial harm, including death. It has no known therapeutic use.
  • N-Desethyl isotonitazene, also referred to as norisotonitazene, is a synthetic opioid that has been described as a crystalline solid. It has been identified in falsified pharmaceuticals. Multiple deaths and hospital admissions have been reported in at least two regions. There is evidence that its use causes substantial harm, including death. It has no known therapeutic use.
  • Substance placed in Schedule II of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971):

  • Hexahydrocannabinol, also known as HHC, is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid described as a colourless viscous oil or resin. Products such as THC cannabis flowers and resins infused or sprayed with the substance, e-liquids and cartridges for electronic cigarettes, edible products such as gummies and marshmallows, tinctures resembling dietary supplements and distillate oils can include HHC. There is sufficient evidence that HHC is used in ways to constitute a public health and social problem, warranting placement under international control.
  • Substance placed in Schedule IV of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971):

  • Carisoprodol is a centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant sold as a single-ingredient preparation and in combination products. Carisoprodol is available as a pharmaceutical product in tablet form, has been detected in falsified pharmaceuticals and is also found as a white powder. There is increasing evidence that nonmedical use of carisoprodol in a number of countries constitutes a significant risk to public health.
  • WHO has been convening the ECDD as a scientific advisory body for over 70 years with the mission to protect populations from harmful substances and to ensure that psychoactive substances are available where needed for medical and scientific purposes. The ECDD conducts scientific reviews at the request of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs and is the only treaty-mandated body to provide health recommendations to the Commission to inform decisions in drug policy.

    With the ongoing emergence of more harmful substances, including clandestinely manufactured synthetic opioids with no medical use such as fentanyl and nitazenes, Member States expressed interest in more scientific reviews of these substances by WHO in the coming period. Above-mentioned decisions were announced at the 68th regular session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, taking place in Vienna, Austria, on 10-14 March 2025. 

    Frank, in-depth discussion as Belgium and WHO map ahead priorities for collaboration

    2 săptămâni 3 zile ago
    In a three-day strategic dialogue, Belgium and WHO reviewed progress in their longstanding partnership, and agreed to further boost their collaboration on universal health coverage, health-systems strengthening and equitable access to essential vaccines, medicines and health technologies. The Belgian delegation – headed by H.E. Christophe Payot, Ambassador of Belgium to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva – discussed issues of strategic importance, exchanged views on how to smoothly align WHO strategic directions and Belgium's development cooperation priorities in the context of an evolving global health landscape.

    WHO and Switzerland cement cooperation until 2028

    3 săptămâni ago
    WHO and Switzerland have announced the renewal of their cooperation strategy for the period 2024-2028. In 2013, Switzerland became the first high-income country in the WHO European Region to pilot a cooperation strategy with WHO (hereafter referred to as the WHO-Switzerland Cooperation Strategy). In 2022, WHO and Switzerland jointly decided to update and renew this cooperation strategy, which was done on 4 March 2025 at the Regional Office of the WHO in Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Many pregnancy-related complications going undetected and untreated – WHO

    3 săptămâni ago
    Haemorrhage – severe heavy bleeding – and hypertensive disorders like preeclampsia are the leading causes of maternal deaths globally, according to a new study released today by the World Health Organization (WHO). These conditions were responsible for around 80 000 and 50 000 fatalities respectively in 2020 – the last year for which published estimates are available - highlighting that many women still lack access to lifesaving treatments and effective care during and after pregnancy and birth.

    WHO announces new collaborating centre on AI for health governance

    3 săptămâni 1 zi ago

    The World Health Organization (WHO) today designated the Digital Ethics Centre at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands as a WHO Collaborating Centre on artificial intelligence (AI) for health governance.  

    AI has the potential to re-shape health care, save lives and improve health and well-being. However, harnessing its benefits for good requires collaboration from stakeholders committed to robust governance, ethical safeguards, and evidence-based policies. 

    The WHO Collaborating Centre designation recognizes the Digital Ethics Centre at Delft University of Technology's decades-long history of cutting-edge research on responsible innovation, and its leadership in incorporating ethical values into design requirements for digital technologies. This inauguration marks the continuation of a strong partnership between the Digital Ethics Centre and WHO with the two entities jointly organizing international consultations, workshops, and the development of normative guidance and training in the past.  

    “WHO is committed to helping Member States plan, govern, and adopt responsible AI technologies,” said Dr Alain Labrique, Director of Digital Health and Innovation at WHO. “We are witnessing remarkable progress, with AI poised to transform health systems and support individuals on their health journeys. To ensure these benefits reach everyone ethically, safely, and equitably, we rely on strong technical and academic partnerships that guide us in this rapidly evolving field.” 

    The Collaborating Centre on AI for health governance will be instrumental in WHO’s efforts to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI for health by advancing research on priority topics and providing expert input for WHO’s guidance development and policy-making. The Centre will serve as a hub for education and advocacy for science-driven research and facilitate knowledge-sharing and training through regional and country-level workshops.  

    “The fruit of two decades of research in digital ethics and responsible innovation, the Delft Digital Ethics Centre is one of the frontrunners in operationalizing ethical values into design requirements for digital technologies such as artificial intelligence," Professor Jeroen van den Hoven, Scientific Director at Delft Digital Ethics Centre noted. "We look forward to contributing to the global health community and advancing the responsible use of AI in health." 

    The Responsible and Ethical AI for Healthcare Lab, a collaboration between Delft University of Technology and its partners, will provide valuable insight into the challenges involved in the successful implementation of WHO guidance in clinical practice. "The designation of the Digital Ethics Centre at Delft University of Technology as a WHO Collaborating Centre strengthens our collective ability to ensure AI serves public health equitably and responsibly. This collaboration will play a critical role in supporting Member States to navigate the opportunities and challenges of AI, fostering trust, transparency, and innovation in digital health,” said Dr David Novillo-Ortiz, Regional Adviser and Unit Head for Data, Evidence and Digital Health at WHO’s Regional Office for Europe. 

    The Collaborating Centre on AI for health emphasizes WHO’s dedication to evidence-based AI governance, promoting its responsible use while upholding the highest ethical standards. 

    WHO and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sign agreements in support of health priorities

    3 săptămâni 1 zi ago
    The Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum 2025 was a significant event that underscored the continued partnership between WHO and KSrelief, as well as with other international partners to address critical humanitarian health crises. The agreements made during the forum are pivotal in combating diseases like malaria, cholera, and polio, and ensuring better healthcare for displaced populations. The forum also highlighted Saudi Arabia’s ongoing commitment to global humanitarian efforts, reaffirming its leadership role in tackling some of the world’s pressing health crises.

    Humanitarian access improves quality of polio vaccination campaign in the Gaza Strip

    1 month ago

    A five-day mass polio vaccination campaign in the Gaza Strip concluded on Wednesday, reaching nearly 603 000 children under 10 years of age with novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) following comprehensive, simultaneous access to all five governorates during the ongoing ceasefire. The campaign was conducted as part of emergency efforts to end an ongoing poliovirus outbreak and prevent further spread in the Gaza Strip. 

    During this round, an additional 40 000 children were vaccinated as compared to the previous two rounds conducted in September and October 2024, after poliovirus was detected in the Gaza Strip. The ceasefire enabled health workers to reach more children who had missed vaccinations due to displacement during the phased approach, living in areas that previously required special coordination for access, or being unreachable during the October 2024 round due to insecurity in North Gaza, including Jabalia, Beit Lahiya, and Beit Hanoun.

    Strong community engagement and awareness of vaccination benefits had maintained high immunization rates in the Gaza Strip, where 89% of children received the third dose of oral polio vaccine in 2023, before the conflict.  This round drew upon 1660 vaccination teams, 1242 of which were mobile, and deployed 1242 social mobilizers. Despite bad weather conditions, families welcomed the initiative and brought their children to points where they could receive the polio vaccine. 

    The campaign was conducted by the Palestinian Ministry of Health and implemented with support from the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), and other partners.

    As part of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s commitment to mount a robust poliovirus outbreak response, surveillance for disease in children and for virus circulation in the environment has also been intensified since July 2024. It was this timely surveillance that detected ongoing environmental circulation of the virus, and the need to conduct additional vaccination to protect children. 

    As the ceasefire provides an opportunity to resume critical public health functions, working to recover Gaza’s previously strong disease surveillance and routine immunization are the best ways to protect children from polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases. Ending polio hinges on fully vaccinating every last child with polio vaccines.  Ensuring uninterrupted access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene, and proper nutrition will protect children from many diseases including polio.

    WHO, UNICEF and partners continue to call for a lasting ceasefire that leads to long-term health and peace.  

    New WHO and ITU standard aims to prevent hearing loss among gamers

    1 month ago

    Ahead of World Hearing Day 2025, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) are highlighting the first global standard for safe listening in video gameplay and esport activities, which aims to reduce the risk of and prevent hearing loss among gamers. Previously, no safe listening guidelines or standards existed for video gameplay devices or software. 

    “Everyone can take steps today to ensure good hearing health throughout their life,” said Dr Jérôme Salomon, WHO Assistant Director-General, Universal Health Coverage, Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases. “The WHO/ITU safe listening standard supports governments, manufacturers, civil society, and other stakeholders to foster safe listening environments, so that people of all ages can protect their ears and hearing, and even when playing video games, do not risk hearing loss.” 

    Video gameplay and esports are rapidly becoming one of the largest entertainment industries worldwide. About 3 billion people play video games on devices such as personal computers, video game consoles, and mobile phones, yet most devices and games lack safe listening features to protect users from harmful noise. However, gamers risk permanent hearing loss from prolonged exposure to loud sounds while gaming or listening to music. Children are particularly vulnerable due to their lower sound tolerance and growing interest in gaming. 

    Through the provision of information, warnings and safe listening features, the new standard aims to inform video game players of the risk to hearing loss from loud video gameplay activities and raise awareness about how they can practice safe listening. 

    “As video gaming and esports continue to grow and gamers use a wider array of devices to access their content, safe listening standards are vital to help protect the hearing of users, especially children, from sounds which could damage their hearing,” said Seizo Onoe, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, International Telecommunication Union. “Creating effective technical standards requires collaboration which leverages each other's strengths. We are grateful to our partners at WHO for their insight and experience advancing safe listening, and are pleased to launch this update on World Hearing Day.” 

    Standards protect hearing for all types of video game players 

    The WHO-ITU Global standard on safe listening for video gameplay and esports is designed to protect hearing for all types of video game players, across a wide range of gameplay scenarios and equipment. The standard provides separate guidelines for video gameplay devices (video game consoles, handheld or mobile devices and personal computers, headphones and headsets), and video game software.  

    For video gameplay devices, the standard recommends: 

    • Sound allowance tracking to measure the player’s sound exposure.  
    • Safe listening messages that provide players with information on sound usage, including predictions on when their sound limit will be reached. 
    • A user-friendly volume control system that can be easily adjusted. 
    • A “headphone safety mode” that automatically adjusts the volume when a player changes between headphones and loudspeakers. 

    For video gameplay software titles, the standard recommends: 

    • Safe listening warnings and messages for players about the risk of hearing loss from loud sounds and prolonged exposure during gameplay activities.  
    • Independent volume controls for different sound categories, allowing players to adjust levels and mute various sounds within the game. 
    • Adapting the soundtrack, genre and sound design of each game with safe listening features 
    • A “headphone safety mode” within the software that is capable of detecting a switch of audio output between headphones and speakers and automatically reduces the volume.  

    The new standard was developed under WHO’s Make Listening Safe initiative which seeks to improve listening practices especially among young people, drawing on the latest evidence and consultations with a range of stakeholders including experts from WHO, government, industry, consumers, and civil society.  

    In addition to the new global standard released today, two other standards for safe listening were launched in 2019 and 2022, including the H.870 WHO-ITU Global standard for safe listening personal audio devices and systems and the WHO Global standard for safe listening in venues and events (also adopted by ITU in 2024).  

    Learn more about World Hearing Day 2025 and the Make Listening Safe initiative:  


    Notes to editors 

    About the World Health Organization  

    Dedicated to the health and well-being of all people and guided by science, the World Health Organization leads and champions global efforts to give everyone, everywhere, an equal chance at a safe and healthy life. We are the UN agency for health that connects nations, partners and people on the front lines in 150+ locations – leading the world’s response to health emergencies, preventing disease, addressing the root causes of health issues and expanding access to medicines and health care. Our mission is to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. 

    About the International Telecommunication Union

    The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), driving innovation in ICTs together with 194 Member States and a membership of over 1,000 companies, universities, and international and regional organizations. Established in 1865, it is the intergovernmental body responsible for coordinating the shared global use of the radio spectrum, promoting international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, improving communication infrastructure in the developing world, and establishing the worldwide standards that foster seamless interconnection of a vast range of communications systems. From broadband networks to cutting-edge wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, radio astronomy, oceanographic and satellite-based earth monitoring as well as converging fixed-mobile phone, Internet and broadcasting technologies, ITU is committed to connecting the world. Learn more: 


    Third meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the upsurge of mpox 2024 – Temporary recommendations

    1 month ago

    The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), following the third meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee regarding the upsurge of mpox 2024, held on 25 February 2025, from 12:00 to 17:00 CET, concurs with its advice that the event continues to meet the criteria of a public health emergency of international concern and, considering the advice of the Committee, he is hereby issuing a revised set of temporary recommendations.

    The WHO Director-General expresses his most sincere gratitude to the Chair, Members, and Advisors of the Committee. The proceeding of the third meeting of the Committee will be shared with States Parties to the IHR and published in the coming days.


    Temporary recommendations

    These temporary recommendations are issued to States Parties experiencing the transmission of monkeypox virus (MPXV), including, but not limited to, those where there is sustained community transmission, and where there are clusters of cases or sporadic travel-related cases of MPXV clade Ib.

    They are intended to be implemented by those States Parties in addition to the current  standing recommendations for mpox, which will be extended until 20 August 2025. 

    In the context of the global efforts to prevent and control the spread of mpox disease outlined in the  WHO Strategic framework for enhancing prevention and control of mpox- 2024-2027, the aforementioned  standing recommendations apply to all States Parties

    All current WHO interim technical guidance can be accessed on this page of the WHO website. WHO evidence-based guidance has been and will continue to be updated in line with the evolving situation, updated scientific evidence, and WHO risk assessment to support States Parties in the implementation of the WHO Strategic Framework for enhancing mpox prevention and control. 

    Pursuant to Article 3 Principle of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR), the implementation of these temporary recommendations, as well as of the standing recommendations for mpox, by States Parties shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons, in line with the principles set out in Article 3 of the IHR. 


    Note: The text in backets next to each temporary recommendation indicates the status with respect to the set of temporary recommendations issued on 27 November 2024.

    Emergency coordination

    • Secure political commitment, engagement and adequate resource allocation to intensify mpox prevention and response efforts for the lowest administrative and operational level reporting mpox cases in the prior 4 weeks (referred to as “hotspots”). (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Establish or enhance national and local emergency prevention and response coordination arrangements as recommended in the WHO Mpox global strategic preparedness and response plan (2024), and its upcoming iteration, and in line with the WHO Strategic framework for enhancing prevention and control of mpox (2024-2027) to maintain.  (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Establish or enhance coordination among all partners and stakeholders engaged in or supporting mpox prevention and response activities through cooperation, including by introducing accountability mechanisms. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Establish a mechanism to   monitor the effectiveness of mpox prevention and response measures implemented at lower administrative levels, so that such measures can be adjusted as needed. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Strengthen coordination and response mechanisms, particularly in humanitarian and conflict-affected areas, by engaging local and national authorities and implementing partners to ensure integrated mpox surveillance and care delivery in support of vulnerable populations, especially in areas with population displacement and inadequate access to essential services. (MODIFIED)

    Collaborative surveillance

    • Enhance mpox surveillance, by increasing the sensitivity of the approaches adopted and ensuring comprehensive geographic coverage. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Expand access to accurate, affordable and available diagnostics to test for mpox, including through strengthening arrangements for the transport of samples, the decentralization of testing and arrangements to differentiate MPXV clades and conduct genomic sequencing. (EXTENDED) 
    • Identify, monitor and support the contacts of persons with suspected, clinically-diagnosed or laboratory-confirmed mpox to prevent onward transmission. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing) 
    • Scale up efforts to thoroughly investigate cases and outbreaks of mpox to better understand the modes of transmission and transmission risk, and prevent its onward transmission to contacts and communities. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing) 
    • Report to WHO suspect, probable and confirmed cases of mpox in a timely manner and on a weekly basis. (EXTENDED)

    Safe and scalable clinical care

    • Provide clinical, nutritional and psychosocial support for patients with mpox, including, where appropriate and possible, isolation in care centres and/or access to materials and guidance for home-based care. (EXTENDED) 
    • Develop and implement a plan to expand access to optimized supportive clinical care for all patients with mpox, including children, patients living with HIV, and pregnant women. This includes prompt identification and effective management of endemic co-infections, such as malaria, chickenpox or measles. This also includes offering HIV tests to adult patients who do not know their HIV status and to children as appropriate, testing and treatment for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among cases linked to sexual contact and referral to HIV/STIs treatment and care services when indicated. (MODIFIED)
    • Strengthen health and care workers’ capacity, knowledge and skills in clinical and infection and prevention and control pathways – screening, diagnosis, isolation, environmental cleaning, discharge of patients, including post discharge follow up for suspected and confirmed mpox –, and provide health and care workers with personal protective equipment (PPE). (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Enhance infection prevention and control (IPC) measures and availability of water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and waste management services and infrastructure in healthcare facilities and treatment and care centers to ensure quality healthcare service delivery and protection of health and care workers and patients. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)

    International traffic

    • Establish or strengthen cross-border collaboration arrangements for surveillance, management and support of suspected cases and contacts of mpox, and for the provision of information to travellers and conveyance operators, without resorting to travel and trade restrictions that unnecessarily impact local, regional or national economies. (EXTENDED)


    • Prepare for and implement the integrated targeted use of vaccine for “Phase 1-Stop the outbreak” (as defined in the WHO Mpox global strategic preparedness and response plan (2024) and its upcoming iteration) through identification of the lowest administrative level reporting cases (hotspots) to interrupt sustained community transmission. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Develop and implement plans for vaccination in the context of an integrated response at the lowest administrative level reporting cases for people at high risk of exposure (e.g., contacts of cases of all ages, including sexual contacts, health and care workers, key populations, and other groups at risk in endemic and non-endemic areas). This entails a targeted integrated response, including active surveillance and contact tracing; agile adaptation of immunization strategies and plans to the local context including the availability of vaccines and supplies; proactive community engagement to generate and sustain demand for and trust in vaccination; close monitoring of mpox vaccination activities and coverage, and the collection of data during vaccination activities according to implementable research protocols. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)

    Community protection

    • Strengthen risk communication and community engagement systems with affected communities and local workforces for outbreak prevention, response and vaccination strategies, particularly at the lowest administrative levels reporting cases, including through training, mapping high risk and vulnerable populations, social listening and community feedback, and managing misinformation. This entails, inter alia, communicating effectively the uncertainties regarding the natural history of mpox, updated information about mpox including about the efficacy of mpox vaccines, the uncertainties regarding duration of protection following vaccination, and any relevant information about clinical trials to which the local population may have access, as appropriate. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Address stigma and discrimination of any kind via meaningful community engagement, particularly in health services and during risk communication activities. (EXTENDED)
    • Promote and implement IPC measures and basic WASH and waste management services in household settings, congregate settings (e.g. prisons, internally displaced persons and refugee camps, etc.), schools, points of entry and cross border transit areas. (EXTENDED)

    Governance and financing

    • Galvanize and scale up national funding and explore external opportunities for targeted funding of mpox prevention, readiness and response activities, advocate for release of available funds and take steps to identify potential new funding partners for emergency response. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Integrate mpox prevention and response measures, including enhanced surveillance, in existing programmes for prevention, control and treatment of other endemic diseases – especially HIV, as well as STIs, malaria, tuberculosis, other vaccine-preventable diseases including COVID-19, and/or non-communicable diseases – striving to identify activities which will benefit the programmes involved and lead to better health outcomes overall. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)

    Addressing research gaps

    •  Invest in field studies to better understand animal hosts and zoonotic spillover in the areas where MPXV is circulating, in coordination with the animal health sector and One Health partners. (EXTENDED, with re-phrasing)
    • Strengthen and expand use of genomic sequencing to characterize the epidemiology and chains of transmission of MPXV to better inform control measures. (EXTENDED)

    Reporting on the implementation of temporary recommendations

    • Report quarterly to WHO on the status of, and challenges related to, the implementation of these temporary recommendations, using a standardized tool and channels that will be made available by WHO. (EXTENDED)



    WHO strengthens support for grassroots crowdsourcing campaign: a global movement of unity and solidarity

    1 month ago

    What started as a grassroots initiative by a WHO staff member has grown into a global movement for health. Building on the success of the 1 Dollar 1 World campaign, the World Health Organization (WHO) is now amplifying and evolving the initiative to encourage more people around the world to show their solidarity.

    Inspired by an individual’s initiative, WHO is now backing the 1 Dollar 1 World movement, encouraging regions, countries, champions, and its own workforce to unite behind the effort. Together with the WHO Foundation, WHO will strengthen its efforts to create awareness about its critical work and engage communities worldwide.

    With this initiative, WHO is embracing a new approach by leveraging crowdfunding to support its mission. For the first time, WHO is activating its existing infrastructure – spanning 150 country offices – alongside the WHO Foundation’s reach, to amplify this grassroots movement. This strategic shift not only strengthens community engagement but also aligns with WHO’s broader strategy to diversify funding sources and support its ongoing Investment Round.

    Since its launch in early 2025, almost 5000 people from over 140 countries have contributed to the campaign through the WHO Foundation, created to bring together funders and high impact health initiatives to further the mission of WHO. The high level of success and engagement demonstrates that there is a broad sense of solidarity and shared commitment to global health. This campaign is not just about crowdfunding – it’s about people standing together to remind us that health is a right, not a privilege.

     “The power of the 1 Dollar, 1 World movement comes from the people. In particular, I would like to thank my colleague Tania Cernuschi for her inspiration to launch this initiative,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “It shows that in times of crisis, people everywhere can unite and commit to protecting and promoting the health of others. WHO is proud to stand behind this initiative, which embodies the values of solidarity, action, innovation and hope.”

    A moment for action

    The challenges global health has faced in recent years – from pandemics to humanitarian crises – make it clearer than ever that no one is safe until everyone is safe. The 1 Dollar 1 World movement is a chance for people everywhere to turn concern into action and show that solidarity, just like health, knows no borders.

    “This campaign started with one person, but it belongs to all of us,” said Tania Cernuschi, the WHO staff member who launched the original initiative. “It’s proof that individuals can make a difference, and that together, we are stronger.”

    Join the movement

    Media and the public are invited to support and share this movement. Every action – whether a donation, a post, or a conversation – helps spread the message that health should be for all, not just for some. Every stakeholder – whether a person, an organization, a community or a government – has a role in building efficient and effective collaboration for health.

    A grassroots campaign with global impact

    The 1 Dollar 1 World movement invites everyone to take action for global health in three simple ways:

    • Donate through the WHO Foundation – Every dollar counts. Contributions support WHO’s lifesaving work worldwide.
    • Share – Post a photo holding up your index finger to symbolize unity. Use #1Dollar1World & #HealthForAll, and link to the donation page.
    • Amplify – Encourage others to join the movement. More information is in the communications toolkit.

    All donations, collected by the WHO Foundation, support lifesaving efforts around the world, with a strong focus on country-level initiatives. These resources are essential in driving impactful implementation where it matters most based on the decisions of WHO’s 194 Member States. Together, we can drive real change.


    Mass polio vaccination campaign to continue in the Gaza Strip

    1 month 1 săptămână ago

    The emergency polio outbreak response in the Gaza Strip is continuing, with a mass vaccination campaign scheduled from 22 to 26 February 2025. The novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) will be administered to over 591 000 children under 10 years of age to protect them from polio. This campaign follows the recent detection of poliovirus in wastewater samples in Gaza, signaling ongoing circulation in the environment, putting children at risk.  

    Pockets of individuals with low or no immunity provide the virus an opportunity to continue spreading and potentially cause disease. The current environment in Gaza, including overcrowding in shelters and severely damaged water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure, which facilitates fecal-oral transmission, create ideal conditions for further spread of poliovirus. Extensive population movement consequent to the current ceasefire is likely to exacerbate the spread of poliovirus infection. 

    Two previous vaccination rounds in the Gaza Strip were successfully conducted in September and October 2024, reaching over 95% of the target. As poliovirus is found to remain in the environment, additional vaccination efforts are needed to reach every child and strengthen population immunity. The presence of the virus still poses a risk to children with low or no immunity, in Gaza and throughout the region.   

    In 2024, health workers faced significant challenges accessing certain areas of central, north and south Gaza, which required special coordination to enter during the conflict. In inaccessible areas such as Jabalia, Beit Lahiya, and Beit Hanoun, where humanitarian pauses for the vaccination campaign were not assured, approximately 7 000 children missed vaccination during the second round. The recent ceasefire means health workers have considerably better access now.   

    No additional polio cases have been reported since a ten-month-old child was paralyzed in August 2024, but the new environmental samples from Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, collected in December 2024 and January 2025, confirm poliovirus transmission. The strain detected is genetically linked to the poliovirus detected in the Gaza Strip in July 2024. 

    The upcoming vaccination campaign aims to reach all children under 10 years of age, including those previously missed, to close immunity gaps and end the outbreak. The use of the oral polio vaccine will help end this outbreak by preventing the spread of the virus. An additional polio vaccination round is planned to be implemented in April.

    The campaign will be led by the Palestinian Ministry of Health and implemented with support from the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and other partners. 

    Polio vaccines are safe and there is no maximum number of times a child should be vaccinated. Each dose gives additional protection which is needed during an active polio outbreak.   

    WHO, UNICEF, and partners welcome the recent ceasefire and urge for a lasting ceasefire that leads to long-term peace.